Página 16 - ASQ

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Lean for Service Organizations
and Offices - A Holistic Approach
for Achieving Operational
Excellence and Improvements
Service organi-
zations and of-
fices worldwide are
beginning to real-
ize that only those
companies that are
The Desk Reference of Statistical
Quality Methods, Second Edition
Arranged in alpha-
betical order for
quick reference,
this book provides
the quality practi-
tioner with a single
resource that illus-
Innovation Generation - Creating
an Innovation Process and an
Innovative Culture
Innovation is about
creating the fu-
ture…and making
sure your organiza-
tion is par t of it. We
are in an age where
Thinking Tools for Kids: An
Activity Book for Classroom
Learning, Revised Edition
This is the first book
of its kind written
especially for young
people. It describes
real-life challenges
grade-school kids