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   P U B L I C A Ç Õ E S  A S Q

E1415 de 2011



R$ 2.326,01
E1415 de 2011
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The intent of this book (MDDR, for short) is to present an introduction to, and overview of, the world of medical device regulation by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the relationship of this regulatory scheme to the design and development of medical devices. In providing this information, the book covers the broad range of requirements, which are presented within eight major topics: background and regulatory environment, device design control, nonclinical testing, clinical testing, marketing applications, post-market requirements, quality systems/GMPs, and compliance/enforcement. This book provides students and professionals in the medical device industry with a road map to the regulation of medical devices. It provides a broad understanding of the breadth and depth of medical device regulation by collecting in one textbook coverage of the regulatory scheme for medical devices in terms that are suitable for engineers, scientists, and healthcare providers. The vast amount of information available on the subject is distilled into a concise and coherent presentation. There also are problems and projects at the end of each chapter. In addition to the usual questions requiring specific answers, the projects include the drafting of a device control plan, the development of a nonclinical test procedure, the resolution of a recall, the response to a Warning Letter, and the creation of a CAPA for a device deficiency. A solutions manual for these exercises is available to teachers who adopt the textbook for classroom use or for employee training. Medical Device Design and Regulation (MDDR) also makes available over 100 complimentary live hyperlinks to web pages with additional relevant information, and offers users the opportunity to join and participate in the “MDDR Users Group” on LinkedIn.

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