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   P U B L I C A Ç Õ E S  A S Q

E1493 de 2016



R$ 1.891,89
E1493 de 2016
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This reference manual is designed to help both those interested in passing the exam for ASQ’s Certified Six Sigma Yellow Belt (CSSYB) and those who want a handy reference to the appropriate materials needed for successful Six Sigma projects. It is intended to be a reference for both beginners in Six Sigma and those who are already knowledgeable about process improvement and variation reduction. The primary layout of the handbook follows the Body of Knowledge (BoK) for the CSSYB released in 2015. The author has utilized feedback from Six Sigma practitioners and knowledge gained through helping others prepare for exams to create a handbook that will be beneficial to anyone seeking to pass not only the CSSYB exam but also other Six Sigma exams. In addition to the primary text, the handbook contains numerous appendixes, a comprehensive list of abbreviations, and a supplement with practice exam questions, recorded webinars, and several useful publications. Each chapter includes essay-type questions to test the comprehension of students using this book at colleges and universities. Six Sigma trainers for organizations may find this additional feature useful, as they want their trainees (staff) to not only pass ASQ’s Six Sigma exams but have a comprehensive understanding of the Body of Knowledge that will allow them to support real Six Sigma projects in their roles. Electronic Books Only: CD-ROM files are available for download. Please contact ASQ Customer Care for download instructions. "As a software designer at Minitab, I have been involved in developing analytical tools for lean and six sigma projects since the late 90s. Over these years, Govind has been a great source of expertise on lean and six sigma for me to consult. This comprehensive handbook reflects his experiences and insights on how to select and conduct a six sigma project successfully, and on how to make the process improvement sustainable after a project is done. The statistical examples given in the handbook are very informative and easy to understand. It is indeed an excellent reference for anyone who is interested in process improvement." Yanling Zuo, PhD Senior Advisory Statistician Minitab Inc. "This handbook is a comprehensive compilation of Six Sigma tools and techniques as well as a manual designed to aid candidates preparing for the ASQ Certified Six Sigma Yellow Belt (CSSYB) exam. It is organized into the standard phases of DMAIC (Design, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control) with an introductory chapter on Six Sigma Fundamentals and concludes with a solid Appendix. Tools and techniques appropriate for each DMAIC Phase are introduced with background to provide context and then well covered with how-to instructions and content-rich graphics as examples. This Certified Six Sigma Yellow Belt Handbook is more than a preparation guide for CSSYB exam; it will quickly become your go-to reference guide for quality improvement tools." Ray Mikulak President Resource Engineering, Inc. and

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