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NBR13930 de 08/2008

Prensas mecânicas - Requisitos de segurança

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NBR13930 de 08/2008
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 Prensas mecânicas - Requisitos de segurança
Título em inglês
 Mechanical presses - Safety requirement

Esta Norma define os requisitos e medidas técnicas de segurança, que devem ser aplicados pelos responsáveis pelo projeto, fabricação e fornecimento de prensas mecânicas com freio e embreagem de ciclo parcial, nesta Norma simplesmente denominadas "prensas", utilizadas para trabalhar metal frio ou material feito parcialmente de metal frio. Esta norma não é aplicável para prensas servo-acionadas sem freio e embreagem. This Standard specifies technical requirementes and measures to be adopted by persons undertaking the design, manufacture and supply of mechanical presses with part revolution clutch hereinafter called presses which are intended to work cold metal or material partly of cold metal. This standard is not applicable for servo-presses (without clutch and brake). Note The design of a machine includes the study of the machine itself, taking into account all phases of its "life", i.e. construction, transport and commission (including assembly, installation and adjustment), use (including setting, teaching/programming or process changeover, operation, cleaning, fault finding and maintenance) and decommissioning, dismantling and, as far as safety is concerned, disposal, and the drafting of the instrucftions related to all above-mentioned phases of the "life" of the machine (except construction), dealt with it in 6.5 of ABNT NBR NM 213-1:2000. This Standard also covers presses, whose primary intended use is to work cold metal, which are to be used in the same way to work other sheet materials (such as cardboard, plastic, rubber or leather), and metal powder. The requirements in this Standard take account of intended use, as defined in 3.12 da ABNT NBR NM 213-1:2000. This standard presumes access to the press from all directions, deals with the hazards described in clause 4, and specifies the safety measures for both the operator and other exposed persons. This Standard also applies to ancillary devices which are an integral part of the press. This standard also applies to machines which are integrated into an automatic production line where the hazards and risk arising are comparable to those of machines working separately. This Standard does not cover mechanical presses with full revolution clutch or similar ways of clutching (see 3.1.4). This Standard applies to all machines manufactured after its published. ISBN: 978-85-07-00923-6

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